What can I expect when I contact Electric Forester?
A Typical Electric Forester Enquiry Response:
"Thank you for the detailed information and plans you provided with your enquiry. We all have a certain natural tolerance to Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) but this may be used up by conscious or unconscious exposure to man-made EMR. Our initial assessment of what is at work in your situation is that your tolerance is being spent faster than it accumulates with a corresponding drain on wellbeing and health.The situation you describe is highly complex with many potential co-factors, some of which you have already identified. Thus we believe you would be best served by a comprehensive, in-depth, On-Site EMR Survey preceded by an included Remote EMR Assessment (normally £159.00) conducted with a view to providing you with new information upon which informed choices about where, when and how you spend your EMR tolerance in the future can best be made. Our property and client specific custom-written reports not only identify where tolerance is being spent but are aimed at empowering homeowners and householders to make safer choices. A brief confidential health questionnaire completed beforehand can also serve to inform our investigation and ultimate conclusions and is included.
If this sounds like it could be helpful in addressing your situation we would expect the On-Site portion of our investigation to take around 4 hours during which time we would need all wireless devices to be turned off.
Our custom-written hard-copy confidential reports typically run to 15 - 20 pages and are produced normally within 10 days and posted by recorded delivery. Our fees are £450.00 (no vat) and mileage from our Mid-Wales Operating Base (LD5 4TP) at £0.45/mi would be £X making a total of £X paid 25% with order by cheque or bank transfer, the balance being due within 7 days of receiving your report. Our EMR survey services uniquely include 3 months Free & Unlimited follow-up consultations by phone or e-mail. I have attached our Terms & Conditions and look forward to hearing from you presently. In the meantime, should you have any questions or concerns, by all means call us on 01223 911893 or e-mail: surveys@electricforester.co.uk"There will likely be some emerging risks that are difficult or impossible for the prospective housebuyer to quantify. Electric Forester is one of the first companies in Britain to provide professional independent electromagnetic investigations and advice on property purchases. In many cases, we are able to provide a Remote EMR Appraisal in a few days or an on-site visit without the need to enter the property. In any event, we believe it is prudent for buyers to be well informed and beware - Caveat Emptor.
The electromagnetic landscape has changed dramatically in the last few years, particularly as mobile and wireless networks have become commonplace. Demand for electricity continues to grow and most people's lives now rely heavily on electrical power and wireless communications for any number of modern essentials. Wirelessly enabled devices in homes and neighbouring properties, along with the roll-out of 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G networks as well as smart-meters and wirelessly controlled lamp posts are significantly raising the level of everyone's lifetime exposure to pulsed digital microwave signals. Innovative satellite and other new communications and navigation services are also poised to contribute much more to people's daily EMR exposure soon and this trend is likely to continue.
Much of the man-made ElectroMagnetic Radiation we are all exposed to is outside our control. Non-elective exposures come from such things as; Broadcast TV, Satellite, Wireless Hot-Spots, neighbours Cordless phones and Baby monitors - the list is being added to every day. Daily exposure levels are rising and many people are unaware of the beneficial effects, particularly on sleep quality, of controlling what they can. Significant electrosmog exposure may occur as a result of elective exposures from devices people typically have around them or appliances they bring into their homes. Electric Forester investigations consider the types, sources and levels of electromagnetic exposure and our reports include cost-effective ways exposure can be reduced to levels as low as reasonably achievable - ALARA.
How far away is far enough? What impact might visible pylons have on health and house prices now and in the future? Should health and well being be anything other than a passing concern? What about when you come to sell? Will prospective buyers be so happy to live as close to the pylons or cables, assuming they have not been upgraded during the intervening period? Electric Forester considers the property-specific factors involved and reports on their likely impact.
How far away from masts is far enough, especially as more networks are added to existing structures? What about TV and radio broadcast towers or airport radar? Are they relevant? These are the sorts of issues we identify and on which we report and provide guidance.
In an Electric Forester survey, we record what we find. In an investigation we expect to delve deeper and turn devices off and on to more accurately determine their contribution to householders' level of electromagnetic pollution.
The regulatory framework is under pressure as it becomes clear that an increasing number of people are adversely affected or severely disabled by exposure to electrosmog at the sorts of levels which are now commonplace. In its many, various and increasingly ubiquitous forms, existing EMR guidelines consider only acute thermal effects and do not take into account the cumulative consequences of chronic low-level, non-thermal EMR/EMF exposures. Society has billions of pounds invested in infrastructure and operations so it should come as no surprise that telecommunications and power companies, their shareholders and governments would rather this issue did not exist.
It thus falls back on the individual to become aware and well informed.